Friday, June 6, 2014

Journaling Bible | The Basics class

Hiya friends! I just wanted to post a quick post with a link to the class for those that missed it. It is in the  "past classes" over at influence. You can find all the info here :) Enjoy!! 



  1. I bought this last night and watched it a couple times already. Can I just say I am so blessed by this. I take notes at church and during bible studies but how many times do I ever look back at what I wrote (ummm.....never). This is an amazing way to breath deeply the word of God and my time with Him.

  2. How long is the class video? I didn't see any particulars in the shop listing for it.

  3. Congrats to her for arranging classes on bible. It will enlighten a lot of people. I am related with Woodlawn Presbyterian Church at St Petersburg for having some good knowledge also.


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